
GROWN FOLK MUSIC... Jefferson Starship - "Sara"

GROWN FOLK MUSIC... Led Zeppelin - "Stairway to Heaven" (May 25, 1975) Earls Court

GROWN FOLK MUSIC... Curtis Mayfield - "Keep On Keeping On"

GROWN FOLK MUSIC... Chicago - "If you leave me now" (1976)

GROWN FOLK MUSIC... "If leaving me is easy" - Phil Collins...

GROWN FOLK MUSIC... Fontella Bass - "I'm Leaving the Choice to You"

CLASSIC COMMERCIAL - Wendy's... "Where's the Beef"...

CLASSIC COMMERCIAL - The Crying Indian - "Keep America Beautiful"...

NEW VIDEO - Tha Advocate featuring The Phenom Cartel, Mass, Shawn Blayze, Whodini- "I Run This Remix"...

CLASSIC DOCUMENTARY... ABOUT BRONX GANGS IN 1979... "80 Blocks From Tiffany's"

The United States Apologizes For Infecting Guatemalans With STD’s In the 1940′s!!!